Help Documents

The following help documents are divided by CERT user type, new users and advanced. If you have recently created an account and need to generate an environmental review report, check under New User - Quick Introduction. If you use CERT regularly and want more information about the tool, terminology, at-risk species of Nebraska, or citation protocol, see the documents under Advanced User - Additional Documents.

New User - Quick Introduction

Video Tutorial on how to Create a Project on the Conservation and Environmental Review Tool. 

Guidance document on how to Create and Submit a Project for environmental review purposes.

Guidance document on how to Interpret an Environmental Review Report for environmental review purposes.

Guidance document about Conservation Planning Reports.


Need further assistance? 

Contact the Environmental Review Team (ERT) at (402) 471-5423 or


Advanced User - Additional Documents

CERT Comprehensive User Guide - Includes instructions on account creation, project submission, map creation, and other features.

Project Boundary Creation - Guide to the available methods for project boundary creation (e.g., uploading a polygon, drawing a polygon).

Electronic Signatures - How to insert electronic signatures and text into a PDF document using free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

CERT Map Layer Descriptions - Detailed descriptions of the map layers provided within the CERT.

CERT Report Terminology - Explanation of terms used in CERT.

Retrieve species distributional information - How to view Nebraska's at-risk species ranges/distributions.

Referencing Products of the Nebraska CERT - How to cite Nebraska CERT tool products.

To cite the Nebraska CERT website itself: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. (<Year, month and day the website was accessed>). Nebraska Conservation and Environmental Review Tool [Web Map and Reporting System]. URL: